
What are tourists looking for in Barcelona? What are their expectations? Hello are you lost Barcelona is a photo project that tries to find what lost tourist are looking for.

During the summer of 2012 I walked around the most touristic areas of Barcelona looking for lost tourists. I was able to identify them because lost tourists used to hold a map. The pictures were taken with a very wide lenses, because I wanted to get very close to the subject, breaking the personal distance, generating an uncomfortable situation. I needed the subjects to notice that I just took a picture of them because right after I asked: “ Hello are you lost Barcelona”? And give them a card with the name of the project. After this assault I would ask them what were they looking for in the map, and offered my help.

At the end of the interaction I had the picture of the lost tourist, the place were they got lost and the place they were looking for. In exchange they got a card as a souvenir.